Unsafe Training Spaces at European Kendo Championships are Will Not Be Tolerated

Is it acceptable to have an unsafe training environment at a European kendo championship?

The Danish Kendo Federation believes not. Below is a copy of the letter we have sent for the EKF General Assembly, demanding positive change.

If you agree, please reach out to your national federation and urge them to endorse our initiative for necessary changes.

EKF General Assembly

Subject for discussion and voting.

DATE: 01-05-2024

Problem with floors at the shiaijo and warm up area at EKC 2023

We were honored to participate in last year's 32nd EKC in France. We appreciate the immense effort required to organize such an event and are grateful for the French federation's work in making it possible. We also recognize the dedication and energy the EKF board puts into facilitating such events.

However, during the event, for reasons unknown to us, the quality of the floor in the Shiaijo and warm up hall was appalling and posed a significant safety risk that went unaddressed. As a result, one of our fighters broke a foot while warming up before a fight. This injury has resulted in permanent damage, and for a little over a year, the fighter has been unable to fully participate in practice sessions.

The question we must ask ourselves is: What cultural norms allow such incidents to occur, and can we accept this? While some may argue that it's just part of the game and something to endure, we must also remember that safety is paramount. We wouldn't overlook issues with shinai checks or problems with bogu, so why should we overlook safety concerns regarding the floor?!

We believe that a case like this, concerning safety, necessitates a change in culture surrounding the issue and structural adjustments to event guidelines.

We also understand that there may be financial constraints. In Danish society, there's a consensus that good safety practices are achievable within budget, with the right culture and thorough planning and quality control.

Following the event, we have inquired with the EKF board about the consequences of this safety lapse. Despite five to six months of communication, there have been no tangible actions towards a sustainable solution for the future, beyond hopes for a speedy recovery for the injured fighter

We recognize the existence of strong cultural beliefs surrounding which safety issues are considered acceptable. Moreover, due to our diverse nationalities, what each of us perceives as relevant safety concerns may vary.

However, it is unacceptable for our national team fighters to jeopardize their future in kendo simply because we lack safety standards for the floors we rely on, just as we rely on shinai and bogu safety.

If we are genuinely committed to conducting thorough shinai checks, bogu checks, and adhering to other safety standards, we must also prioritize the prevention of injuries such as foot damage at events like these by establishing standards for sports floors.

Enclosed, you will find our proposed changes to be voted on at the upcoming General Assembly in Italy 2024 see Attachment A

Best Regards

Jens Møllgaard Jensen
President – Danish Kendo Federation.

Attachment A

Agenda Items for consideration and motion for a vote:

Voting Item 1:

EKF currently lacks a standard for defining a safe and appropriate floor for kendo.

Simply put, Host nations must provide safe sport floors in the Shiaijo, warmup and practice areas.

Before the host nation selects a venue, they must submit documentation regarding the quality of the floor to the EKF. If the floor is a temporary construction, the venue must provide documentation specifying the type and make of the floor.

All documentation must undergo review by the EKF before the host nation can enter into a contract. It is the responsibility of the host nation to ensure that the floor meets the promised standards and is correctly assembled and tested before the event.

Voting Item 2:

Any safety concerns raised regarding floor safety at an EKC event must be promptly addressed by the host nation.

Post Script:

Within the Danish kendo federation, we have expertise in construction management, construction of sports floors and safety inspection in general, as well as access to industry experts within the sports flooring industry. We would like to generously offer our assistance in assuring that all future EKC events have save flooring.

DKF Secretary