Dansk Kendo Forbund

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Dojo Portrait: Vejle Kendo Club Part I

  • Age: 4th youngest (tied with Goshikan)

  • Population: 3

  • Member Count: 3 men

  • Trainer Count: 1

  • Homepage: http://www.kendosyd.dk/begyndivejle

  • Training Frequency: once per week

  • Training Level: Mudansha and Yudansha mix

Head Trainer

Martin Polansky is the sensei for Vejles Goninkan kendo klub. Originally from Germany, he and his wife moved to Denmark in 2006 He started kendo in Stuttgart in 1998, after training karate and judo as a youth. He had gone a number of years with doing anything athletic and thought it was time to get back in shape. He wanted a martial art and kendo sounded exciting. The fact that it is a weapon’s art gave it extra appeal. Martin started kendo training in Odense. He met Yukio and David there and it was a lot of fun. Though hard at times and it was clear their skill level was much higher than his. At that same time he discovered what an itty bitty kendo community Denmark really is.


                The Vejle club was started in 2011, the same year as Yukio Kato opened Nordfyns Goshikan. It wasn’t something Martin really wanted to do, but Yukio pushed him and there were a couple students from the Aarhus club who came down and supported him, so he wasn’t alone. The dojo is one of the smallest in Denmark, which does not diminish it's good cheer and spirit and has a reputation for producing national team members!


                Martin’s favorite waza is kote nuki men. He has had a lot of good experiences over the years, like wining a kyu competition back at his club in Stuttgart, his first summercamp in Denmark around 2009, and the epic 2019 summer camp with Kamei sensei. ”My first summercamp was something special. There were two sensei from Japan. We had such a good time during the breaks and in the evening, I remember it well. But summercamp 2019 was hands down the best understanding of what kendo is.”

                His goal for the future is to be in better physical shape, pass 4-dan and see his students improve.