Dojo Portrait: Vejle Kendo Club Part II
Frederik Klinge Rasmussen is the most experienced student at Vejle Kendo Club and a member of the national team. He has trained for 4 years and started because he wanted to push his physical and mental limits. He has trained in most of the danish kendo dojos including Odense, Aarhus, Bogense, Copenhagen and Vejle, but it is Bogense and Vejle that he trains at regularly His best memory is from the kendo summer camp two years ago, when everyone was taught by 8-dan, Toru Kamei-sensei. His favorite waza is kaeshi dou. It’s not what he’s best at, but he thinks it’s fun to try and pull off. His current favorite shinai is a a doburi and his wishes for the future is to contibute to forming a strong national team and a higher level of kendo in Denmark.
Frederick Thaasti has trained kendo for over six months. YouTube suggested a kendo video that inspired him to try this unique martial art. His favorite technique is dou. He trained for a season at Næstved kendo club and obtained bogu there, while he was a student at Bosei Sports High School, but after it was finished he came back to Goninkan.