The Latest Scoop from Danish Kendo for July
Kenseikai: Continued to train all July long, including entertaining a guest from Norway and a heartfelt farewell keiko for Yuri-chan and some cafe cheer afterwards.
Kilikai: Took the month of July off, though held a special Wednesday keiko lead by Valentin-senpai in order to accommodate a traveling kendoka from Norway. They also held an epic summer party in a city colony garden including shinai party games, barbecue, swimming and sumo in the sand.
Roninkai: Was very busy with their summer kids program co-hosted by the kommune and picked up six new members. They also got written up in the local newspaper.
Gakushinkan: Was on holiday.
Goshikan: Was on holiday, but some of its members got bored and joined Shushikan for their trainings.
Goninkan: Was on holiday.
Shinshikan: Was on holiday
Soryukan: Was on holiday.
Renshikan: Was on holiday.
Shushikan: Continued training, enjoyed a visit from 5-dan Ru Pooler, and got written up in the local newspaper.
Togyushikai: Finished out the season with a few last good keiko and another excellent party, before joining the much of Danish kendo with a much deserved break. They are currently working hard to get everyone in bogu for the new season!
Before everyone went on vacation from kendo, there was a truly stupendous gasshuku held at Nordfyn. This event has been running for more than 20 years and stories of past gasshuku feature into most kendoka’s list of best sword swinging memories. The event included a small shinsa, a rather large shiai, endless kakarigeiko, the national team’s famed foot ladder work and drinking late into the night. They also entertained guests from Scotland, Austria and Australia.
Upcoming Events:
August 5 -6 Visit from Hamburg hosted by Horsens kendo club.
Goshikan’s August 19th joint training.
September 2-3rd seminar with 2 x 7-dan in Hamburg hosted by Koan kendojo
September 9th taikai in Copenhagen
September 15th-17th Youth seminar in Finland
September 23 shinpan seminar for 3-dan+ at Nordfyn
September 30th ikkyu shinsa at Kenseikai
October 28 taikai on Fyn